Younger University

Welcome to the Toddler Room!

In this room our main objective is to continue to allow the children to learn through their play.  Toddlers can be very busy exploring their world while still in the process of gaining, and mastering their gross and fine motor skills.  With this in mind our room is designed to ensure their safety as well as stimulate their minds. 

While free play in encouraged in our room, we will introduce the toddlers to teacher directed activities such as circle time.  During this time the children will be engaged in finger plays, music and movement and story time.  During teacher directed activities, the children are encouraged to join; however they are free to choose individual activites.  A new theme is presented each month.  A newsletter is sent home with your child to inform you of our upcoming activites.

Although the children are learning how to be with each other, individual care is still important to us.  Diaper changes and individual care are done as needed.  Snacks are available as requested by each child as well as offered in a social setting.